Community Place Browser Manual (Plug-in)


Introducing the Sony Community Place Browser

Sony's Community Place Browser software enables you to navigate through virtual worlds on the Internet. With this software, you can freely travel through the virtual world in various modes; you can walk about, turn a corner, change directions, change the speed of your movement, look up, down, and all around. In the virtual world you can also listen to music, watch a movie, and interact with active animated objects. Some worlds will have cartoon characters, animated actors and even games for you to enjoy.

If you happen to share the same virtual world with other people, you can interact with them: chatting, taking part in the same event, or discussing what else is happening in this and other virtual worlds.

Community place is just that, a real 3D electronic place where you can meet friends, chat with new people and interact with a whole host of exciting characters and scenes scattered throughout the internet.

Table of Contents

Minimum Requirements

Before starting the Community Place Browser software, check whether your system meets the following requirements:

The minimum required environment and the recommended environment for Community Place Browser

Minimum required environment

Recommended environment


PC/AT-compatible machine operating under Windows 95/NT*


486DX2 66MHz Pentium90MHz or higher


16MB 32MB or more

Free disk space

10MB or more (30MB required at the time of installation)

Display resolutions

640 x 480 dots 800 x 600 dots or higher

Display colors

256 colors 65536 colors or more


Netscape Navigator for Windows (ver 3.0 or later)**



Sound card



Network interface card + Internet access

* This software supports all PC-compatible machines and PC9801 series machines which meet the above requirements.
To use the Multi-user Functions, it is recommended that you use this software in the recommended environment.

Uninstalling Community Place Browser (Plug-in)

You can safty uninstall Community Place Browser (Plug-in) through the following procedure

  1. Click [Start]
  2. Open [Program],and then select [Community Place Browser Plug-in]
  3. Select [Uninstall] from the menu

Starting Community Place Browser (Plug-in)

Once you have installed Community Place correctly, you are ready to start using it. To check that everything is installed OK, click this link Link to VRML File which will start the Browser and display the following contents .

You can show and hide the tool bar and navigation bar by selecting "Options" menu.
(The pop-up menu appears when you presses the mouse right button.)

There are two additional methods for starting Community Place (Plug-in) :

System Overview

This section explains the Community Place Browser (Plug-in) system in general.

The Community Place Browser (Plug-in) software enables you to download and display VRML1.0, and VRML2.0 files. You can download those files from your computer disk or directly from the Internet. When downloading files from the Internet, make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet.

Using the Browser (Plug-in)

You are now ready to use Community Place Browser.

This section explains, in a step-by-step fashion, the basic operation of the Community Place Browser software.

There are basic tutorials for the following operations:

Before Using the Browser

This section guides you through a sample world supplied with the manual. To load the sample world into Community Place Browser (Plug-in), click here.

Step 1. Traveling through the virtual world (Navigation)

You will see a house within the Browser's window. Let's travel around a little by using the arrow keys on the keyboard. You can move right, left, forward, and backward as follows:


If you bump into an object such as the wall, the frame of the window starts blinking and you will hear a beep tone. When this happens, move backward and stay away from the object. Some objects allow you to pass through them, and others do not depending on how the creator of the virtual space designed them.

If you are more comfortable using the mouse, you may move in the same way by using the mouse.

You can control your movement by dragging the mouse with its left button pressed.

Operational hints

Step 2. Looking around (Turn)

Community Place Browser allows you to easily look around you with a simplified operation. This function is especially helpful when locating the spot where you want to go or just to have a quick ckeck around your area.

  1. Click the Turn icon on the toolbar. Clicking the person icon at the center will turn you 360 degrees at the current position.
  2. Clicking the left-arrow will turn you 90 degrees leftward at the current position. Clicking the right-arrow will turn you 90 degrees rightward.

Taking a bird's-eye view (Float)

While you are traveling around the virtual space, you may get lost. What happens if you get lost in the real world ? You might think of looking down from the top of a tall building to find out where you are. Community Place Browser gives you the bird's-eye view of the virtual space you are in. This feature helps you locate where you are and where you want to go.

  1. Click the Float icon on the toolbar. You will automatically be moved higher and higher. The Float icon will change its form to
  2. When you are taking a bird's-eye view of the virtual world, you can move forward/backward, by pressing the up-arrow or down-arrow key or using the mouse.
  3. To return to earth you can:

You can also take a bird's-eye view by using the menu. Select Float item from the Go menu.


Step 4. Being teleported to a specified object

If you want to see an object that is located far away from you, you may use the normal method of navigation, sometimes thought, it's such drag. You can go swiftly to the object, however, by using the following method:

  1. Point to the house and click the left mouse button while keeping the ctrl key pressed.
    The Browser automatically brings you to the house.
  2. If you have been moved too close to the house, press the down-arrow key a few times to move back a little.

Step 5. Selecting an object

If the cursor happens to be placed on certain objects while you are traveling through the world, it may change to look like . This cursor shows that the object has a pre-programmed "action" in it.

Click the object with the left mouse button. The object starts it action. Let's see what happens if you click the red cube to the right of the house.

  1. Place the cursor on the red cube and click with the left mouse button. The red cube starts moving.
  2. Clicking it again, the red cube stops moving.

Step 6. Displaying information (Scouter)

The house displayed on the screen has a label which is not yet visible. You can visualize the label at any time by placing the cursor on an object. This function helps you understand what items exist in the virtual world.

Select Scouter from the Options menu.

  1. Place the cursor on the door.
    The "DOOR" label has appeared on the screen.
  2. Not to display the labels, unselect Scouter from the Options menu.

The scouter mode is available only with files that use Sony's extended functions for VRML 2.0.

Step 7. Being warped to another world (Activating a link)

If the cursor happens to point to certain objects while you are traveling around the world, the cursor may change to . This indicates that objects have links to other virtual worlds. The following function allows you to travel between the worlds.

  1. When placed on the house, the cursor changes to . The link address will be displayed around the bottom of the Community Place Browser (Plug-in) window.
  2. Click the left mouse button. The link is loaded, and you are transfered to the other virtual world.
  3. To return to the original world, press the Back button of Community Place Browser.

Objects on which the cursor changes to are not always linked to other worlds. They can also be linked to a HTML document. In that case, the contents of the HTML document will be displayed in Netscape Navigator.

Step 8. Changing the navigation mode

In the virtual world, you get a choice of navigation modes. You can select your desired navigation mode with the Navigation Mode button (each icon represents one of 3 modes) or with the Navigation Mode items in the Options menu . You can choose one of the following modes:

  1. Walk mode
  2. You will feel as if you are walking in the real world in this mode. Collisions with the wall will be detected, and your movements will be affected by the force of gravity. It affects only the people who are walking around in the virtual world, and not to the objects within it.

  3. Examine mode
  4. Objects can be seen from various angles in this mode. You can turn an object by dragging it with the left mouse button pressed.

  5. Fly mode
  6. This mode is the same as the Walk mode, except that you are free from the force of gravity.


Let's review what you have learned so far.

Movement Command

Moving forward Press the up-arrow key.

Moving backward Press the down-arrow key .

Turning right. Press the right-arrow key.

Turning left Press the left-arrow key.

Being teleported Place the cursor on the object and click on it with the ctrl key pressed.

Taking a bird's-eye view Click .

Being warped to another world Click the object with the cursor.

Moving with the mouse

Drag the mouse with its left button pressed to a desired direction.

Additional functions

Community Place Browser (Plug-in) supports the following additional functions.

Multi-User Functions

Community Place Browser provides additional multi-user functions, which enable you to interact with other people who watch the same virtual world as you do. These functions, however, can be used only in the virtual spaces which have been designed for use by multiple users. To use the multi-user functions, your computer must be connected to the Internet.

In the virtual world designed for multiple users, you can still use the movement functions (e.g. traveling around in the space or moving swiftly towards an object) as explained in the earlier sections. The only difference is that the Avatars (representations) of other users will also be traveling around the same shared world.

Certain objects have pre-programmed "actions" in the shared virtual world, too, however in many cases, they are shared by multiple users. For example, the "Circus Park", the shared virtual space presented by Sony, may change the colors and shapes of its objects even if you never touch them. This shows that other users in the same world clicked the objects from their browser, and you share the same view with others!

The next section explains how to use the following functions:

Entering a shared virtual world

You can enter a shared virtual world in the same way as described in the earlier sections. You don't need to do anything special. If the browser sees that this is a shared world it will automatically connect to a multi-user Bureau.

If you download a shared virtual world , the icon appears on the lower right of the Browser window, and the MultiUser window appears on the screen. You will also see the "Connection to Community Place Bureau Complete" message scroll across the screen.

What the shared virtual space looks like

All multi-user functions for shared virtual spaces can be obtained in the MultiUser window and from the MultiUser menu. You can also display the MultiUser window by selecting the MultiUser Window item from the MultiUser menu of Community Place Browser (Plug-in).


The MultiUser window will not appear if you fail to enter the virtual world. This will happen, for example, if your machine is not connected to the Internet. When you have failed to enter, the multi-user functions are not available for use.

However, you are still allowed to travel around the shared virtual space, activate the pre-programmed "actions" and so forth. Only the difference is that there you will never come across other Avartas. That is, the space you are in is no longer a shared virtual world but is a simple virtual world.

Chat function

The chat function in the MultiUser window enables you to easily send text messages to other users.

Type a message in the text input field at the bottom of the MultiUser window. Pressing the Return key, the message will be sent to all the users in your proximity. If there are other users chatting besides you, their messages will be displayed in your MultiUser window.

Chat function

The message you have typed will be displayed in the Browser's main window as "Text Balloon", above your avatar. It will also be displayed in the MultiUser window. You cannot see your "Text Ballon" message because its above your head, but can see the messages from others in their Text balloons.

You can store and edit the chat log by using the chat log menu. The menu can be displayed by pressing the triangle button on the right corner of the MultiUser window.

Chat log menu

Your message can only be seen by other users who are in your proximity. This has two advantages.

If other users come close to you, however, they can hear you. To avoid this, use the personal chat function.

Personal chat function

While keeping the Shift key pressed, place the cursor on the avatar with whom you wish to chat privately. If the cursor changes to look like , you can use the personal chat function with him/her. He or she might, however, turn down your offer.

Personal chat function

The personal chat request will pop up a small chat window which is used to display your one on one chat messages. You can also store and edit the personal chat log by using the chat log menu.

Action panel

You can express your feelings by animating your Avatar with the buttons on the Action panel. For example, press the Smile button. Your Avatar will start an "action" that looks like it is smiling, which can be seen by other people who can see you in the shared virtual world.


Displaying the radar

To locate other users in the shared virtual space, it is recommended that you use the radar. Select the Radar Map item from the MultiUser menu. A cross-shape radar appears on the upper right of the screen. You are just at the center of the cross. The others users around you are indicated with red dots.

Displayed radar

Displaying the names of other users

You can list the names of other people around you within the shared virtual space. Click the button with the triangle mark located at the bottom of the MultiUser window, and all the names of people near you will be displayed. By selecting a name, you will automatically be teleported to the person with that name.

Listing the names of other users in the shared virtual world

The number displayed on the right side of the button indicates the total number of users within the shared virtual world. Only the names of people near you will be displayed in the list. This means that the number of people sharing the world, and the number of names listed are not necessarily the same.

Modifying the Avatar (Representation)

Select the Select Avatar ... item from the MultiUser menu of Community Place Browser. All the available Avatars will be listed. Select your desired Avatar and click the [OK] button. The selected Avatar now represents you and will be seen in other users' browsers. You can also change its color by using Change Avatar Color ... within the same menu.


Automatic disconnect function

If you don't move, or chat, for a certain period of time, the connection from your computer to the multi-user server will be automatically disconnected (10 minutes with the Circus Park). If you are away from the computer for a while, and want to stay connected, choose Sleep from the [Activate/Sleep] button located on the upper right of the MultiUser window. Press [Activate] when you return. In the Circus Park, for example, if you click the [Sleep] button, your Avatar appears to be sittingdown to the other uses. If other Avatars are sitting, you will know that their [Sleep] buttons were pressed. Even with the [Sleep] button pressed, the connection will automatically be disconnected for the Circus Park if you do not interact with the space for 60 minutes.


If disconnected, the MultiUser window disappears from the screen, and the icon under the toolbar changes to look like . You can reconnect to the virtual space by clicking which will then change to.

Preference menu

The Preference menu enables you to specify various user-related items. Select the [Preference ....] from the Options menu . The window shown below will appear on the screen.

Now you can specify the following items.


Buttons and Menus Table


Drag the mouse with its left button pressed.


Move Press
the key
the mouse

Forward Up-arrow Upward

Backward Down-arrow Downward

Turn right Right-arrow Right

Turn left Left-arrow Left

Being transported to an object

Specify the destination object. Click the object with the left mouse button while pressing the ctrl key.

Changing your position

Drag the mouse while pressing the shiftkey (or one of the following arrow keys).

Move Press
the key
the mouse

Look up up-arrow Upward

Look down Down-arrow Downward

Move parallel to the right Right-arrow Right

Move parallel to the left Left-arrow Left

Moving and turning an object (in a mode other than the Examine mode)

You might be able to move or turn an object in a mode other than the Examine mode.

Drag the object with the mouse while keeping the alt key and the left mouse button pressed. The object will move.
Drag the object with the mouse while keepig the alt+shift key and the left mouse button pressed. The object will turn around.

Memo: Some objects can be moved/turned others cannot, depending on how the creators designed them.

Activating a link

If the cursor,while on an object, changes to , this means that the object has a URL address which you can link to. Clicking the left mouse button will take you to the new other world pointed to by the the link.

Activating an object's action

If the cursor, while on an object, changes to , this means that the object has a pre-programmed motion or action. Clicking the left mouse button will start the action. The contents of the actionvary depending on how the creators of the virtual world designed it. It may move, play some music, ask questions or even speak!

Navigation buttons

6 navigation buttons (arrows) are located on the screen.

Button Function

Looks up/down. Returns to the original position.

Turns left.

Moves forward.

Moves backward.

Turns right.

Moves up/down/right/left.

Toolbar buttons

5 buttons are located on the toolbar.

Button Function

Navigation mode (, may also appear)

Turns in the current position (Turn).

Gives a bird's-eye view (Float).

Returns to the home position in the virtual world.

Stop the current file load.


You can choose from the following options in the menu bar.

Menu Items Functions
File Save As Image... Stores the virtual world displayed in the image format.
Save As VRML... Stores the virtual world displayed in the VRML format.
Home Returns to the home position in the virtual space.
Stop loading Stops loading.
Turn to the Right Turn to the right by 90 degrees.
Rotate Turn around.
Turn to thre Left Turn to the right by 90 degrees.
Float Rises higher at the current position.
The name of a viewpoint Moves to the position by the name of the viewpoint.*
MultiUser Window Displays the MultiUser window.
Radar Map Displays the radar.
Select Avatar... Selects the avatar.
Change Avatar Color... Changes the color of the Avatar.
Connect/Disconnect Connects/disconnects to/from the multi-user server.
Add bookmark Stores the current viewpoint as a bookmark.
Edit Bookmarks... Displays the list of bookmarks.
Bookmark Bookmarks registered so far.**
Navigation Mode Selects the navigation mode *** from the following 3 choices:
Walk, Examine,Fly
Detail Level Selects the detail level of the display from the following 3 choices:
Solid (default), Solid (no texture),
WireFrame (Wire Frame display)
Collision Specifies a collision detect mode from the following 3 choices:
Wall (Detects collisions with the wall.),
Floor (Detects collisions with the floor which controls the force of gravity applied in the Walk mode.)
Scouter Turns the Scouter mode on or off.
Sound Turns the sound function on or off.
Head Light Turns the headlight on or off.
Auto Load Texture Sets the automatic texture load function to on or off.
Auto Load Sound Sets the automatic sound load function to on or off.
Tool Bar Show/Hide Tool Bar.
Navi Bar Show/Hide Navigation Bar.
Preferences... Displays the Preference window.
About Displays the Community Place Browser (Plug-in) version information.

* The names of viewpoints displayed vary depending on the virtual worlds. Some virtual spaces may not display viewpoint names at all.

** The bookmarks displayed here are those registered by using [Add Bookmark].

*** The modes available in a virtual space varies depending on how the creator of the space designed it. One virtual world might allow you to choose only the Walk mode, while others might allow you to choose either the Fly mode or the Examine mode.

The Difference between Community Place Browser Helper and Plug-in

Community Place Browser (Plug-in) is different from Community Place Browser (helper) in the following respects:
  1. The pop-up menu appears when you presses the mouse right button.
  2. You can show and hide the tool bar and navigation bar by selecting "Options" menu.
  3. Community Place Browser (Plug-in) does not have "Open File", "Open Url", and "Exit" menu items. Please use Netscape Navigator's counterparts.
  4. Community Place Browser (Plug-in) does not have "Backward", "Forward", and "Reload" buttons / menu items. Please use Netscape Navigator's counterparts.
  5. Community Place Browser (Plug-in) does not have a menu item to show Java console. Please use Netscape Navigator's counterpart.
  6. You can jump by pressing TAB key instead of ESC key.
  7. Java API Vscp.goFromAvtroomToOriginalWorld() is ignored.
  8. When installing Community Place Browser (Plug-in), the installer overwrites your autoexec.bat file. (The installer asks you if it should overwrite the file or not.)
  9. Due to Netscape Navigator's security management, you cannot access files and network from your Java codes attached to VRML worlds.



  1. VRML 1.0 Specifications ec.html
  2. VRML2.0 Specifications /
  3. Virtual Society Homepage


Copyright (C) 1996 Sony Corporation. All Rights Reserved.